Halfway Wicked (Wildes on the Hunt #1) Read online

Page 19

  I nodded once.

  “Val.” He snagged my wrist, deftly avoiding the blade still in my hand. “If you don’t pick a destination, then I will.”

  Right. I’m the one with the master plan. “Take me to your place. I don’t want to see Lily right now.”

  “Monica could be there,” he reminded me. “She was planning on staying in my guest room.”

  I wiped my blade on the edge of the comforter before sheathing it back in my boot. “Right, Regan is here supposedly guarding this kid while Monica gets settled.” A lump formed in my throat. She was staying in Jensen’s condo, the warlock who’d stolen Tomas’ essence and handed it over to Azazel. And I was there, too … even if I had been locked away while Lilith took the reins of my body. Pushing the guilt aside, I forced myself to focus. “A hotel then.”

  Jensen raised his eyebrows in question.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Just pick one, I don’t care.”

  He lifted his hands in surrender. “I don’t want you to accuse me of being highhanded or some shit like that.”

  “We’re going to play this game now? The one where you pretend to be subservient to me to a fault?” A different day, the same old Jensen. He was repentant for all of five minutes for his Azazel connection before he went right back to being an asshat.

  “Wouldn’t want you to cut and run. I don’t have a way to track you now.”

  I believed he took the mark off right up until the moment he said he couldn’t track me anymore. Great. He can still totally track me. “Yeah, like I believe that for a second.”

  “Believe what you want, you always do.”

  “We are not going to have this fight right now.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Where are we going? Because I don’t want to have to take out Regan, too.”

  “Just pick a hotel, damnit. I don’t know which one.” My mind was blank, not able to come up with a single hotel name in all of the Nashville area.

  He smirked. “All right.”

  “Opryland, really?” In all the years I’d lived in Nashville, I’d never actually been to the famous resort hotel. I peeked out the small window, watching as clusters of people meandered by.

  “I don’t think Lily, or anyone else for that matter, will look for us here.”

  “I’m not trying to hide. I just don’t want to see Lily and Monica while I figure out what to do next.”

  Jensen lounged on the bed, his hands under his head, and his ankles crossed. He’d kicked off his boots, making himself comfortable. “Thought you had this grand plan?” A dimple popped out on his cheek as he delivered his patented smirk, his eyes dancing with mirth.

  “I did … do. I just need a minute to think.”

  “All right then.”

  Glaring at him, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to punch him or strip him naked and climb on. “You came to Nashville to kill me.”

  His full lips twisted into a frown. “Before I knew you. We went over this.”

  “Yeah, we went over it, but that doesn’t mean I can move past it just like that.” I snapped my fingers. No, now is not the time for this. You can deal with the complicated Jensen situation after … after all of the rest.

  “The only thing that’s changed between us is now you know my past. Everything that happened since you dragged me into my condo that first day and fucked me into—”

  “Stop. I know what you’re doing. And no, it’s not the only thing that’s changed. You were off doing who knows what when you weren’t with me. Your bloodline has direct ties to my enemies. We’re on different sides of this game, Jensen.” Which was another reason I had to put an end to it all.

  “Azazel has been paid. I don’t need to worry about him anymore—we don’t need to worry about him at all.”

  “You sure? What if he finds out about me?”

  “It doesn’t matter. My part of the deal has been fulfilled. Beyond that he—”

  “He’s a fallen. He can change the terms of the deal anytime he wants.” Pacing back and forth across the room, I flicked my gaze around the cushy room Jensen had portaled us into. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed the whole honeymoon suite thing. You hoping to get lucky while we’re here?”

  He shifted, moving his hands to rest on his stomach. “I’m always hopeful when it comes to getting you naked.”

  Such a cocky asshole. I have no idea why I put up with him sometimes. Especially knowing what I do now. There was simply something undeniable about him. Maybe Lily was right. Perhaps there was some kind of special love slash soul connection between us. Why else would Jensen risk his life to save mine with Azazel? He didn’t even know me when he decided to choose me over his future.

  Plopping on the edge of the bed, I shot him a death glare, promising violence of the non-sexy kind. “Are you keeping any other life-altering secrets from me? I want it all on the table now.”

  “There’s nothing else, I swear.”

  “Good, because it’s time for us to go.”

  Disappointment sparked in his eyes. The asshat really was expecting some naked time. Wow. And why did that level of self-confidence, at least when it came from him, do something sinful to my insides?

  Fuck it. I didn’t know if I was going to live or die, my master plan nothing more than a Hail Mary in the last seconds of the game. I pulled my T-shirt over my head, then dropped it on the ground, my fingers already hooked under my bra before Jensen could react.

  The corners of Jensen’s mouth slowly curled up. “There’s the Valkyrie I fell in love with.”

  I paused, my bra dangling from my fingertips. “Is that really how you see me? As some kind of warrior?”

  “You know it’s why I call you Val.” He sat up, tugging his own shirt over his head by the back of the neck, his glorious chest and abs on full display. His muscles bunched as he stood, and he prowled across the room to stand directly in front of me. “That’s what you did. You battled me for control that first day and you won.” He inched closer, his body heat melding with mine. “And you pillaged my heart.”

  I chuckled. “You’re mixing metaphors and lore.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. You’re my Valkyrie, and I’m not ashamed to admit that you own me completely.” He bent over, his warm mouth closing around my left nipple, a moan rattling the back of my throat.

  “I don’t want to think about anything but you right now.” Threading my hands into his silky locks, I tugged, and his eyes lifted to meet mine. “Make me forget everything but you, just for a little while.”

  My past was a lie, my future uncertain, but while I was within Jensen’s arms, flesh to flesh, I could live in the truth of our passions for each other, nothing else mattering.

  Hoisting me up in his arms, Jensen tossed me onto the bed, a startled gasp escaping me. In the span of a heartbeat, he was already tugging off my remaining clothes, my weapons hitting the carpeted floor with dull thuds.

  When I was completely naked and splayed out before him, he regarded me with raw and primal need. “How do you want it? Nice and slow, or fast and rough?”

  I swallowed to return moisture to my throat, the sight of him in only jeans still something that dazzled me. “Do I ever want it nice and slow?” I scrunched up my nose. “Can you even do nice and slow?”

  He chuckled. “I’m more than capable of doing it any which way you want. Even nice and slow.”

  “Have you ever wanted it nice and slow?”

  “I want you any way I can have you.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question—” I squealed as he lunged for me, grabbing me by the ankles. Twisting, I kicked at him, his full body weight coming down on top of me.

  Caging me in, he nipped at my earlobe. I wiggled my ass against the front of him. His jeans having magically disappeared in the last five seconds.

  “Did you just use warlock mojo to strip yourself?”

  Sliding his hands under me to cup my breasts, he tweaked my nipples hard enough to cause a bit of pain follow
ed by a surge of pleasure. All questions were silenced, my focus narrowing down to Jensen.

  Rocking against me, he tilted my hips up, his cock pressing against my entrance.

  “Jensen, please.” That was the real reason we never did slow; I didn’t have the patience for it.

  He shifted again, his fingers digging into my hips as he rammed home. Fuck, yes.

  He rode me hard and rough, just like I wanted, his fingers doing double duty on my clit. Before I knew it, I was screaming his name into the comforter, colors exploding behind my eyelids.

  Joining me in release a few moments later, Jensen collapsed against my back, pushing me into the mattress. He licked the back of my neck, and I squirmed.

  “Give me about five minutes and I’m going to give it to you nice and slow. Excruciatingly so.” He languidly thrust against me, already half-hard again. “Just to prove a point that I can.”

  I snickered. “And then I’ll have to take control.”

  “Not this time.” He slapped my ass playfully.

  “What are you going to do, tie me up?” It was pretty much the only way he could keep me under control.


  Renewed warmth pooled in my middle, the concept tantalizing. It was something we had yet to try, with me that is. We experimented a bit with bondage and submission in the past, with me being the top. It’s where I usually preferred to be—but not every time, especially when Jensen was so good at dominating me in just the way I liked it.

  “Mmm … and then what would you do?” I asked him huskily.

  He flipped me over. “Why tell you when I can show you?”

  I grinned. “Okay, then.”


  One more round turned into two more rounds, then three and four. Minutes turned into hours, Jensen and I trapped in some kind of sex haze. It wasn’t the first time we tuned out the rest of the world to get lost in each other. But it was the first time we did it when so many other important things hung in the balance. I knew what we were doing—playing my denial game with each other. Neither of us wanting to face the real world and the mess we left in it.

  I can’t hide anymore. The time for action is now, before I miss the opportunity.

  “Jensen,” I whispered, poking him in the chest with my index finger.

  He snatched my hand, eyes remaining shut, dark lashes fanning across his cheeks. “Now I’m convinced you’re trying to sex me to death.”

  “No, that’s not what I want.”

  He peeked at me with one eye. “You sure?”

  It was going to be … difficult to get out of bed when he was like this. Playful, rumpled, and sexy as hell. “We have to go.”

  He groaned. “Go?” He tugged me against his chest, forcibly spooning me. “Not yet.

  “You know,” he murmured against the back of my neck, “this world wouldn’t work without you in it—my world wouldn’t work without you in it. That’s the real reason I couldn’t kill you, because I knew your death would be world-ending for me.”

  “You’d just met me. How could you have known any of that?”

  “Magical intuition.”

  “Sounds like a cop-out to me,” I muttered, rolling away from him on the bed.

  “You just don’t like dealing with sappy sentiments.”

  “Duh. Because they’re stupid.”

  Both of his dimples appeared as his eyes fluttered open to focus on me. “You don’t actually think that and we both know it. You like to hear me tell you how I feel, but you don’t want to have to respond.”

  Sadly, it was true. I would never be as open and honest with my emotions as someone like Lily, but deep down … way deep down, I cherished each and every love saturated and sappy word Jensen uttered to me. I valued his thoughts and opinions. I simply didn’t want him to know that. I was better at showing him in other ways how I felt, like with sex.

  Sitting up, the thin sheet pooled at his waist, once again showcasing his chiseled chest and abs. “Do you forgive me then?” All mirth had vanished from his countenance.

  Do I? “You mean for all the lies and secrecy? Oh, and for Tomas and Devon?”

  He frowned. “Yeah, all of that.”

  “I already told you I forgive you. I’d be a hypocrite not to. But it’s going to take me more than an afternoon in bed with you to truly move past it.”

  “Understood.” He slid out from under the sheet, scouting the floor for his discarded clothes.

  “I’m going to need you to do a tracking spell.” My words were muffled as I tugged my T-shirt over my head.

  “I guess I should be glad you need me right now.”

  Ignoring him, I plowed on. “But before we do anything else it’s time we stop back at your condo.”

  His brow furrowed. “I thought the whole point to coming here was to avoid dealing with Monica and Lily for the time being?”

  “Well, we didn’t come here for what we ended up doing, that’s for sure.” I pulled on my boots. “There’s a few little details I have to take care of.”

  “Like what?”

  “Monica has something I need.”

  “Where were you?” Lily crushed me in a hug. “I was starting to get worried even though I knew you were with Jensen.”

  Taking her by the shoulders, I crouched down to her level. “What happened?”

  Monica strode into our living room, clothes disheveled. “Demon attack at Jensen’s place. Thankfully, I remembered the added protection on your condo, and I made it over here.”

  “There were too many for her!” Lily exclaimed. “Even if I’d been there, we would have been toast since it was just the two of us.”

  “And,” Monica added, “Regan called. Let me know the kid was taken out. Not sure by who or why exactly, but it wasn’t like he was exactly forthcoming with any information. He had to have known something, though, if he was shut up.”

  I fought a smile. I was worried I’d be a suspect, but there was little to no chance of that. Yep, I’d been worried for nothing. Plus, even if I’d been discovered, after my previous two interactions, I’m sure no one would have guessed my true motivations behind killing him.

  Jensen grimaced. “I haven’t gotten around to putting up stronger wards around my condo just yet. I should have thought about that before I told Monica it was okay to stay there.”

  She patted his back. “It’s okay, you’ve been distracted.” She narrowed her eyes at me like it was all my fault. I mean, it was in a roundabout way, but still, she didn’t actually know that to be the case.

  “Hey, Monica,” I called, making my way into the kitchen. “Since I’ve decided to go all-in on using Jensen’s magic for our benefit, I asked him about using your necklace to get something on Tomas.”

  She crowded into our small kitchen behind me. “Get what exactly on Tomas?” Her fingers traced the small key charm, pulling it back and forth across the long chain.

  After filling a glass of water, I took a gulp, my gaze locked on the necklace. “Like what he was thinking when he gave that to you, his emotional state, anything like that. Jensen can read psychic residues if the situation is right.”

  She turned toward Jensen, expression hopeful. “And you think this situation might be right?”

  Jensen glanced at me before nodding. “Yeah, I do. I would have suggested something earlier, but I wasn’t aware of the necklace, and you know Val with her aversion to my warlock voodoo.” He cracked a smile, seemingly relaxed. I wasn’t sure if I was impressed or not at the ease with which he went with my lie.

  I cleared my throat. “So, um, yeah, if you want to give him the necklace, he can give it a try.”

  Monica stared down at the intricate key. “Give it to him? What exactly does he need to do?”

  “Well, I—” Jensen started.

  “He needs to work some warlock mojo in a circle or some shit.” I raised my eyebrows. “I think that’s what you said, right, Jensen?”

  “Yeah, and I need to be alone to do it.”
/>   I internally fist pumped. Maybe bringing Jensen on as backup for my scheme wasn’t a bad idea after all.

  “Oh,” Monica said. “I get it. You need to concentrate, and we showed you how well we let you do that the last time, huh?”

  He cupped the back of his neck, forcing himself to look embarrassed. “It’s better if I do it alone this time.”

  Unclasping the chain, Monica held it out to him. “The sooner the better, I suppose.”

  He took the necklace, hesitating for only a moment. “I’ll head over to my condo now. You’ll have this back in no time.”

  I caught Jensen’s gaze. “And I’ll be upstairs getting a quick shower.” Please let him understand what I want him to do.

  Jensen strode with feigned purpose for our front door, not giving any of us a backward glance.

  As soon as I heard the lock click, I bustled toward the stairs. “I really want to get that shower.”

  Lily rolled her eyes. “We know what you were doing. Stop trying to be covert about it.”

  I stiffened. “What? What do you think I was doing?”

  “Please.” She fluffed her curls. “Off sexing up Jensen to make up for lost time.”

  Monica paced, all of her usual cheer glaringly absent. “His magic won’t damage the necklace, right?” She chewed on the end of her finger absently. “Because Tomas gave that to me.”

  My chest constricted. I couldn’t stand to look at her for one second more, or the guilt would drown me. For what I knew, for what I did, and for what I was about to do. I waved her off. “It’ll be fine.”

  And hopefully, in the end, when it was all over, that wouldn’t be a lie. But things were going to get a whole lot worse before they got better. If they got better. Otherwise, we were completely fucked. In other words, it was just another day in the world of a twice marked.


  Flames consumed me, licking ruthlessly at my flesh. There was no one to help me, nowhere to turn, no escape. I screamed, losing the battle, yet again, plummeting into temporary oblivion.

  It was in those breaths of time between life and death, the end and the beginning, where I had a brief reprieve, my plans began to take shape. They were crystallized in billions of moments, the broken pieces of me coming together to form an entity, one that would find a way out … a creature who would make their tormentors suffer.